I set this up because I couldn't find any paper...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Tinkerbell...dead and loving it.

So...yeah, this is a zombified Tinkerbell...not much to say about this one, really.
It took 11 layers and a lot of time to get some of the detail right, but I think it's ok now.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

This didn't show up earlier...

This is supposed to have shown up in the post below...but it didn't.

Peter? Peter, is that you?

Personally, I think the snotty litle bitch deserves what she gets here...

Why do so many people like Tinkerbell anyways? She tried to kill Wendy, and betrayed Peter a couple of times, after giving away the Lost Boys locatioin to Hook...

What a cunt!

Anyways, I guess the original version before Disney had a different story to it.
I'm so sick of Peter Pan now though, after hearing it being played in the background repeatedly by the kids, who insist on watching as many versions as they can in one sitting...

Oh well....back to finishing up my zombified Tinkerbell now...

Maybe next week I'll do a zombified Winnie the Pooh, scooping Eeyore's brains out like a jar of honey...


Thursday, July 06, 2006

He's fat...he's dead...he's a fat skinless dead guy!

I guess this might need an explaination...

He's a fat dead guy with no skin that I made for a comic concept that I was working on last year, but everyone involved lost interest when they realized there was work involved, so he's just something to add to my portfolio for now.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Chief.


Do Natives really say that, or is it just something a spaghetti-western director made one say in some movie, and it just stuck?

Anyway, this is a Chief of some type...I think he's from Jersey.

A little head...

My attempt at pointilism failed when I got bored.
So I started to paint it using photoshop, and got bored of that as well...

I guess pointilism isn't for me.

A few pieces of work...

So I've broken into the comic book industry, hooray for me...

No really, it's great. I sit in front of my computer for 16 hours a day and forget what food tastes like, or if I still eat.
Smoking is becoming a thing of the past as well.

Basically, I colour artwork and people buy it.
Sounds pleasant enough.

Except nobody tells me when the work is due, unless they give it to me the day before print.

Regardless, I'm putting up some of my work here now, so people can see my crap.