I set this up because I couldn't find any paper...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

WIP and a gradient to bug Mike...

So here's a nice pic of Ironman bitchslapping Hulk that I coloured.
One is a wip using a new tech I discovered, and the other is a basic gradient version because I had to.

Pic is borrowed from Di.Straido at Penciljack.com
Lovin' his stuff so far, and hope he posts more for me to work on.


  • These are nice, I still want to work the non-gradient look til it gels though. The shadow work still has to follow the anatomy. I know I asked for broader strokes, but what works on one image, won't necessarily work on another. The long strips of shading worked on Go-man, but this image is posed very differently and will require more angles, some contour shading, you can still apply the same approach, but you're dealing with smaller surfaces.
    The gradient image looks good here too. Maybe it works better with the softer style of the drawing.
    Do you want me to re-scan my hulk pic?

    By Blogger michael valiquette, at 9:27 AM  

  • I did more detail to the shading on Hulk, and tried a few different angles...not one style, but two or three in the same pic.

    By Blogger Bradinottawa, at 7:47 PM  

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