I set this up because I couldn't find any paper...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Stupid upgrades...

Apparently I've been forced to upgrade to the new blogger...which I don't like.

Things I like about the old blogger: the look, the layout, the dashboard, the ease of use and it's general simplicity.
Things I like about he new version: sweet fuck all. I hate it. It's the opposite of everything I liked about the old version.

But I have too much posted in here to go somewhere else...
So here's a piece for a meme (whatever that means) somewhere that Mike drew and inked, but I colored it!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Guy Gardner, attempt #2...and 3.

Guy Gardner...the Tom Berringer of the Green Lantern Corps.
Coloured for your viewing pleasure.
One with no glow just for Mike, since he's the one who drew it.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


A Superman I drew for a draw-off at Penciljack.
I was only supposed to redesign the costume, but got kinda carried away.